
From Tegel Airport
Bus 109 to subway stop Jakob-Kaiser-Platz, change to the subway U7 line direction Rudow to Fehrbelliner Platz, change to the U3 direction Krumme Lanke to Dahlem Dorf; travel time ca. 40 min.

From Schönefeld Airport
Elevated train S45 direction Hermannstraße to Hermannstraße, change to the circle line S41 or to S46 traveling west to Heidelberger Platz, change to the subway U3 direction Krumme Lanke to Dahlem Dorf; travel time about one hour

From Hauptbahnhof (Berlin Central Train Station)
Elevated train S9 direction Spandau to Zoologischer Garten, change to subway U2 direction Pankow to Wittenbergplatz, change to U3 direction Krumme Lanke to Dahlem Dorf; travel time ca. 30 min.

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